Wednesday 10 August 2011

Market crash, investors died

                 Market crash, investors died

Still remember the year 2007-2008 when USA faced its biggest crisis in the history of economics, this crisis is also known as Subprime crises or Manmade crisis.
Where the number of banks had gone bankrupted, but two largest financial institutions which have been affected were Maryel lunch and Lehman brothers.
The impact was so worst that every market was affected by this whether it was NIKKI, BSE OR NSE, and NASDAQ.  
If we talk about the Indian market which was at its peak at that time was suddenly crashed, From 21000 to 7000 pts. The main reason behind this was that the foreign investors who have taken their money back from the Indian sub continent and investing in their own motherland. Every stock has been affected by this meltdown .Economy was totally on stand still.  
According to the survey which has been conducted at that time it was estimated that market has suffer round about 80 lakh crores.
Then there was a rain of Bailout packages which has been given by the Indian government to every sector for example (Agriculture, Industries, and Banking) and the loss was recovering day by day, Investors got the new hope that their money will be recovered.
But as it is already said that history repeat itself, again in 2011 the Market crashed in USA and it has its impact on all over the world’s market.
On Monday market opened with the loss of 550 points andTriger was down by the effect of USA market again. Market has got the loss of near about 1 lakh crore in a day which was total of 5 lakh crore in three days. Every sector is affected. Although on Wednesday market has opened with the increasing point of 80 but it doesn’t seem that investors will cover their loss soon.

Let’s hope for the best that investors ‘will recover their loss.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

sarkaar di kargujari

srkwr dI kwrguzwrI dw mulWkx
Bwrq lokqMqirk dyS hY, jo ik sc ivc lokqMqirk dyS swibq ho irhw hY [ ikauik Aj dI jnqw suqI hoeI nhI, blik srkwr dIAW nIqIAw dw mulWkx qy Awlocnw krn vwlI hY [  ipCly kuJ smy qo srkwr dI kwrguzwrI bhuq hI invwx vl jw rhI hY [ ijQy iBRStwcwr, kwlw Dn qy 2 jI spYktRm ny jnqw dw iDAwn iKicAw, EuQy hI Awm jnqw nMU sB qo ijAwdw qMg vDdI mihMgweI ny kIqw [ cwhy ieh Gr dy gYs islMfr hovy jW iPr fIjl qy pYtrol dy ryt hox [ iehnW swrIAw AwPqw qo jnqw duKI ho cukI hY, qy srkwr vI iehnw AwPqw nMU Gtwaux dI bjwey inq mihMgweI vDw hI rhI hY[ jo BivK ivc srkwr dy leI bhuq hI nwgvwr swibq hovygI [ dyS ivc mOnsUn sYSn dI SurUAwq ho cukI hY , qy dono iDrW iek dUsry dI lq iKcweI krn c lgIAw hn qy ijQy Bwjpw dw plVw BwrI jwpdw hY [ jnqw vI swrIAw AwPqw qo prySwn jvwb cwhMudI hY [ iek gl ijsny mihMgweI qo vI ijAwdw iDAwn iKicAw auh hY lokpwl ibl, jo ik srkwr dI Awlocnw dw kVw kwrx bixAw [ bySrqy srkwr dI kmwn iek ivdvwn ArQSwSqrI dy kol hY, pr srkwr dy ijAwdwqr mYbr iksy nw iksy skYm c Psy hoey hn[ ipCly cwr swlw c bhuq kuJ GplybwzIAw hoeIAw, hux dyKxw ieh hY ik ies swl c srkwr kI kuJ krdI hY [ ikauik jnqw qw isrP aumId hI kr skdI hY qy kihMdy hI ny ik aumId qy qw dunIAw vI kwiem hY [
 pRBjoq kOr

Monday 8 August 2011


After few days we will celebrate the “Independence day”. Our honorable Prime minister will wave our national flag on lal kilha, Delhi. As usual we will sung our National song, respect our country for 2 mints and thats all about independent day.
But from heart nobody can say that we are independent. It’s good that we are growing as a third economic power after America and China all over the world. Many acquisition we have got from last few years but with all these acquisition do u think that a small and poor man take benefits of all?
           If we see India’s reputation, there is no department which is not involved in corruption, plundering and lobbyist. From last two years we see 2-G scam of 1.76 lakh crore, common wealth game scam of 70 thousand crore and adarsh scam etc.
               As well as there are so many case of rape, kidnapping etc. There is one woman raped after every 20 hrs in a day in Delhi while in 30 mint all over the country.
                  Hospital and teaching fees are so costly that a man living below the poverty line can not afford all these expenses. This is the reason that half of the population of our country is illiterate. A normal citizen earns Rs. 50 in a day even today when inflation rate is so high.
                   And we say happily on independent day that we all are independent. When every person in the country can afford a food in a day and every child will go school & be educated that time we can say honorably these words that “we are independent” 
By: Palwinder Bhatia
MJMC-II year
DJMC, Ladhewali, Jalandhar 

Friday 5 August 2011

Journalists and writers are utterly different species

Journalists and writers are utterly different species
Every profession has its occupational hazards sportsman who make their living from rackets tends to develop tennis elbows. Those who mop and sweep one apartment after the other are prone to housemaid knee. Garbage collectors are not used to looking up while astronomers lose focus on anything below sky-level.and newspaper journalist keep getting asked when they are going to write books even though much of what they scribble has a shelf life of 24 hours.
However, the option of pulp fiction is always there .The only problem is that a journalist who writes pulp fiction leaves himself open to the query of whether what appears in the newspaper under his byline is fact Retired journalist do not have that problem and their published pulp fiction could even have titillation value, especially if their novels are set in a contemprary corporate or political milieu. the reader could identify the leaders and tycoons in the book with real politicians and industrialists despite the standard disclaimer at the beginning that none of the characters has anything to do with any person alive or dead and that any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. And with not just the policy but the corporate world being polarized, there is always scope for a book to be converted into a controversial movie which could further enhance the hacks claim to be an author especially if the bollywood version stars  one of the four khans.
Vasudha Sharma                                                                                                                                                                                       

Social networking

                     Social   networking
’human is a social animal’ and when we listen to the word social networking the facebook,twitter and yahoo comes to the mind.networking is from the early times but internet has given it a name social networking.facebook has 70 crore users ,google plus has 2.5 crore just at its launching so we can assume the popularity of social networking sites.Mark zukerberg,the owner of facebook earned millions and millions in such a short time.There are also negative sides of everything and these sites are not exceptions.People are becoming addicted to these sites.Students,corporates everyone is addicted.It is becoming a phenomenon in everyone’s life.Thus,Social networking is an advantage with no social responsibility.  

Himashu Sethia
DJMC, Ladhewali, Jalandhar

Virtual or Real????

Virtual or Real????
By the time the grand generation get out of their sleep, the young cubs are set to update their status on the social networking sites, after changing numerous display photos( pics, to be more precise).
The display pic rather ‘dp’ change is a usual compulsory task to do almost every hour of the day. As facebook, twitter, myspace are the major status symbols of today’s generation at their own hubs.
This internet-led generation, have enough time to crop and edit their most latest funky photos besides of numerous pending assignments. The sleeping sessions of parents are been transformed by their net-kiddies into busy facebook session at which they increase and share their slang knowledge and virtual word usage like ‘att’, ‘OK REPORT’, sirraa, awsm, beuful, gr8, suppa duppa lyk, and many more.
Going online, passing slangs in the most latest facebook-born words on the cropped outdoorsy friends(‘frenz’) pictures, accepting and adding of newones to the 500plus lists, changing the relationship status to comitted from single, then married and lastly complicated are all important parts of working schedule of every school and college going youngster.  This generation is willing to loose grades in exams, miss schools, and family hours, but can’t take a second out of their virtual world at any cost.
No doubt, punching a single wall post is the most easiest way to communicate, with hundreds of friends, building up of bridges between several kilometers apart buddies. But this need have been heading to an addiction for the young minds. Such sites ban, in a country like China, is one of the factor of their growth in every sector. The frequent backdrops of today’s generation in moral values, curriculum, aggravating languageusage, irresponsibility are all the preliminary symptoms of this virtual addiction. This addiction can lead to fatal failures also. These networking ties can rise crime rates to the worst. As this could bring the youngsters and schoolaties prone to stranger elements and can become major crime targets. The sharing through these websites can bring easy availability of softer targets around the region for the crime heads. A keen check by the senior generation can though lessen such fear. This can lessen the differences between the generations and leading to minimise the gaps. Also the youngsters can be uplifted from the virtual addiction to serious education.

Parneet Kaur  ( MJMC 1,116)

UPA High Against Irregularities In The Political System

                          UPA High Against Irregularities In The Political System

The corruption that has seemingly moved on to taint the country like fungus and that has outrageously for now rolled the parliament and public life needs to be banished.

UPA government after having faced end number of scams that made headlines during its tenure, has finally decided to send a message about the seriousness of its intention to rinse out the politics by rapidly passing into law proposed amendments to the Representation of People Act, 1951.

Corruption may have confronted the country like India as a grave problem, bringing many senior politicians into its ambit but the initiatives are for now turning on both from the government and the public figures like Baba Ramdev and a social activist Anna Hazare, with the sole objective to banish the corruption from Indian politics and to debar the entry of criminals in the politics.

UPA government has also for now moved on with the objective of debarring criminals from entering politics, by proposing amendments in the Representation of the People Act, 1951, that seeks to disqualify any candidate with the serious criminal charges.

The UPA’s decision of making the amendments in the Representation of People Act has paved the way to change the election rules to keep criminals out of politics, which is undoubtedly a positive move and is of utmost need that would further help fight corruption which has very much cordoned our political system.

In such a scenario where the criminals to get into the politics, hard press the ordinary citizens; who may have genuine intentions of working for ordinary citizens,  so the amendments of such kind would surely help to cleanse the politics against the various irregularities that the Indian politics has faced during the due course of time.

                                                                                                              Nitin Kapahi
                                                                                                              Roll No. 12