Monday 1 August 2011


Gold has been considered as a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the Hindu religion. Whether it is Diwali or any marriage, Gold has been important part of any occasion. Apart from being an element of beauty, today gold is treasured more as a commodity market.
According to the World Gold Council, the biggest source of growth in demand for gold has been investment. Investment demand rose by 248 percent on year-on-year basis during the first quarter of 2011
Why should we invest in the gold
the most compelling reason for putting money in gold is its role as a long-term or strategic asset. Even in situations where currency goes down acceptance, gold still retains its value.
What this means is that in case other asset classes (like stocks, bonds, realty) go up or down, gold is not affected to a large extent by such movements. Last but not the least; gold has been doing really good in recent years.
How can we store the gold or invest in the gold
 Another disadvantage of storing physical gold is that on purchase, buyer has to pay a handsome price for its making, if it is jewelry. Even if one chose to store gold in real form, it is better to go for gold coins or biscuits.
With the advent of new financial products in the market, gold has also been made available as a paper or electronic investment. Some benefits include no making charges; no botheration about storing as one gets his investment in gold in demat form; no problem of finding a vendor who can provide the real worth of investment; wholesale rates and much more.
There are two major futures exchanges - Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd and the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Ltd. So here we can see today market is also depends on the gold .Gold have its own beauty when the market goes down gold will go up. but there is also many others thing for the investment but if we go through recent survey gold is best for the investment and we can see the stock market all the shares are going down day by day but one thing that is shinning is the gold.


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